Junior High Skills Camps - SOUTH
For athletes entering grades 7, 8 and 9. This camp will provide a fun and positive learning environment for all junior high athletes new to the sport of volleyball and as well as for those with experience. Athletes will receive technical instruction on the fundamental volleyball skills including passing, setting, serving, attacking, individual defense, team defence and blocking. They will also be provided with team play opportunities each day and the final day of camp will feature a full round robin tournament where players get the chance to put their learned skills in a game setting in our EVC “World Championship Tournament”. All sessions will be co-ed and targeted towards the skill level of the majority of participants. Participants will be grouped on a court appropriate to their skill level to ensure the best experience possible for everyone.
Athletes should bring the following equipment.
-Clean indoor Shoes
-Water bottle
-Clothing designed for physical activity.
-Knee pads and ankle braces (Optional)
Should knee pads, ankle braces, volleyballs or any other equipment be required, our pro shop is on site and able to accommodate.
A Camp T shirt will be provided to all registrants on the first day of camp.
Please be on site 30 minutes early on your first day. This will allow us to adequately complete registration. An email will be sent one week prior to the camp's start date that will contain important information athletes and families will need to know about.
Families, please complete the following -- > WAIVER
Junior High Skills Camps - SOUTH
The Covid-19 pandemic could foreseeably force the shutdown of EVC Camps due to government order. In the case of EVPC having to shut down a summer camp that has yet to start, EVPC will provide a camp “credit” in equal value for a future EVPC Camp.
In the event that a camp has already started, EVC will have already incurred costs including coaching fees, rental costs, equipment fees, which cannot be recouped, therefore, participants will not be entitled to a refund, however, EVPC will work to provide customers a prorated credit for future use to a camp where possible.
NOTE: All refund transactions in general will include an automatic administration and CC processing fee.
All refunds prior to June 1st, 2025 will be subject to an administration/CC processing fee of 27% of the overall camp total.
There will be no refunds for any EVPC summer programs after June 1st, 2025.
In the case of an injury, a partial refund may considered if:
The camp the injured registrant is registered in is full and we are able to fill injured athletes spot can be filled from our waitlist
The injured athlete can find another athlete to fill their original spot
*Please note: If a camp is waitlisted, this does not guarantee the spot will automatically be filled.
Injury refund requests must be accompanied by a physician's note. All injury refunds will also include an administration fee and credit card processing fee.